Would you like to take a better care of your lower back and strengthen your core? Are you looking for a pilates based home workout program? We’ve got your back! Move along with us for maximum 20 minutes a day and feel the difference yourself in a month.

This course is focused on low-back and abdominal area. Every video is real-time (so we will move together), 15-20 minutes long, hence perfect fit for any life style. You can do the training program anywhere and anytime. To practice along, you need 20 minutes (or more why not combine couple videos) of your time everyday or spread it through the week.

See here the sneak peak video of the program.

In this pilates based workout program you’ll learn

  • how to stabilise your pelvis
  • mobilise your hip joints
  • disassociate your legs from your pelvis
  • and ways to make your abdominals stronger in a safe way.

All you need will be:

  • mat
  • beach towel
  • belt
  • small soft ball/rolled towel or mat
  • yoga blocks/book
  • blanket
  • Foam roller/rolled blanket/bolster

If you are looking for:

  • a short but effective exercise program
  • working out safely at your own convenience
  • detailed cues while you are moving
  • modifications for the exercises
  • a supple back and strong core
  • relieve the tension in your lower back
  • making your abdominals stronger without weights or extra equipments
  • improving your life quality and feel good

this training program is for you!

As you make a one time purchase, you’ll have a year access to 30 contemporary pilates based real time exercise videos and 1 short anatomy intro video.

Invest 20 minutes a day in yourself now and enjoy your supple and strong body in the long term. You can repeat the program by adding progression to exercises, for example using long legs in a side plank instead of knee bend position or going slower with your abdominal exercises to increase your endurance. Do you have a favourite video? Save it and re-visit it as many times as you want.


You can also check out the program Strong Neck & Shoulders. This program focusses on the upper back, neck and shoulders. Check out all other online work out programs by Here We Move here.


Over de instructeur


Here We Move | Özlem

Özlem is a pilates teacher and studio co-owner, based in Amsterdam. She discovered pilates in 2012 and it did not take long for her to fall in love with the method. In 2014 and 2015 she completed her Polestar® Pilates mat and Polestar® Pilates comprehensive education respectively. Since then she's been expanding her knowledge with various training and specialising herself in pilates after injuries, pre/post natal and functional strength training. Biomechanics, learning about how muscles, body function is her passion and she wishes to share her knowledge with as many people as possible, help them build healthy functional movement patterns with which they feel physically their best through their life.

Bekijk meer cursussen van Here We Move | Özlem →


Gratis Sneak Peek | We’ve Got Your Back Gratis 00:00:00
We’ve Got Your Back | Anatomy intro 00:04:00
We’ve Got Your Back | les 1 00:19:00
We’ve Got Your Back | les 2 00:16:00
We’ve Got Your Back | les 3 00:19:00
We’ve Got Your Back | les 4 00:19:00
We’ve Got Your Back | les 5 00:18:00
We’ve Got Your Back | les 6 00:17:00
We’ve Got Your Back | les 7 00:16:00
We’ve Got Your Back | les 8 00:17:00
We’ve Got Your Back | les 9 00:17:00
We’ve Got Your Back | les 10 00:18:00
We’ve Got Your Back | les 11 00:18:00
We’ve Got Your Back | les 12 00:16:00
We’ve Got Your Back | les 13 00:18:00
We’ve Got Your Back | les 14 00:17:00
We’ve Got Your Back | les 15 00:20:00
We’ve Got Your Back | les 16 00:18:00
We’ve Got Your Back | les 17 00:20:00
We’ve Got Your Back | les 18 00:18:00
We’ve Got Your Back | les 19 00:16:00
We’ve Got Your Back | les 20 00:18:00
We’ve Got Your Back | les 21 00:18:00
We’ve Got Your Back | les 22 00:18:00
We’ve Got Your Back | les 23 00:17:00
We’ve Got Your Back | les 24 00:20:00
We’ve Got Your Back | les 25 00:16:00
We’ve Got Your Back | les 26 00:18:00
We’ve Got Your Back | les 27 00:18:00
We’ve Got Your Back | les 28 00:20:00
We’ve Got Your Back | les 29 00:20:00
We’ve Got Your Back | les 30 00:21:00

Course Reviews


2 ratings
  • 5 stars2
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  • 1 stars0
  1. Perfect length, excellent exercises


    I really love this program. The length of the videos is absolutely perfect, you can combine a few if you have time, but even with a single video you do some good core and back exercises, so even on your busiest days you can sneak in some pilates.

  2. Super fijn deze dagelijkse routine


    Sinds ik de cursus heb aangeschaft doe ik bijna elke dag een les. Het is heerlijk om met een kwartier Pilates mijn dag te beginnen. Het lukte mij nooit om zelf oefeningen te doen. Deze cursus is een enorme stimulans en makkelijk in te plannen. Er zit lekker tempo in de oefeningen, Ozlem is een hele fijne teacher. Ze geeft een heldere uitleg en er zit een mooie opbouw in de cursus. Een perfecte aanvulling op de pilateslessen die ik bij de studio volg. Ik voel dat ik sterker word in mijn rug en core.

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