Core muscles are more than just the six packs.

Özlem en Eefje
2 februari 2022
pilates obliques

Core muscles are more than just the six packs. Here is a pilates exercise to work on your obliques:

•Start laying on the mat with knees bend, pelvis in neutral, feet flat on the ground, hands interlaced behind your head.
•Close the legs together and flex your feet so only heels are touching the ground.
•Drop both of knees to the right, let the pelvis rotate and come away from the ground on the left side.
•Lift the chest off the ground as your knees are dropping on one side( Tip: try to peel both of your shoulders equally of the ground).
•Bring your chest to the ground as your knees are returning to the middle.
•Repeat on each side 6-8 round.

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